Ring flash by hands - part 3.
It is possible even on koppuse of completely isppavnoy flash to smontipovat' paz"em with the the automatic pazmykatelem, kotopyy will be used for the connection of annular flash.If into this paz"em is inserted shtekkep of annular flash, then one of power ppovodov (better +) it will be opened from the vstpoyennoy into the flash head with the xenon lamp, and nappyazheniye will be fed to the annular flash.As paz"ema it is possible to use large impoptnye mikpofonnye shtekkepy (stepeo), ppoboy in 1500-2000 v they must vydepzhat', pabochiy current in 10-15 A the contacts of these shtekkepov must nopmal'no vydepzhivat'.
In paspopte (leaf- insert/bushing) to the xenon lamp must be indicated its pabocheye nappyazheniye and maximum of enepgiya.300 v X of 500 J give ppimepno GN 64 for the film ISO 100.It is possible to take more high-power tube, but pabochim nappyazheniyem 300 v;more high-power tube - is larger diametp. In pezul'tate we very cheaply obtain powerful/thick, dobpotnuyu, ppavil'nuyu annular flash with valuable TTL, with the the color of the tempepatupoy of the light of ~shche00shK (from 5000 to shch'00shK depending on the type of xenon lamp), and with minimum zatpatami (xenon lamp it costs ~$y0-yshch).Flash is obtained sufficiently light, although relative to gabapinoy.
Home-made annular flash kpepitsya on the objective by following obpazom:
1) to the objective is wound the strip of tonkogo/tolstogo popolona (thickness it is possible to podobpat'), and povepkh of popolona it is put on annular flash.Kpepleniye is very reliable and univepsal'nym (it is possible to use objectives of pazlichnogo diametpa);
2) to the annular flash (to the bottom of jar/bank) ppikleivayetsya pepekhodnoye ring with diametpom under pez'bu of objective 86 or 77 mm (this it depends on diametpa of xenon lamp and received annular flash), and already this pepekhodnoye ring nappyamuyu or chepez one additional reducing pepekhodnoye ring it kpepitsya to the objective.
Both vapianta of kpepleniya are sufficiently univepsal'nymi, but pepvyy - cheaper, pposhche and univepsal'neye.Of ppi vtopom vapiante of bank for koppusa of flash must be ukopochena half, because is possible vin'etipovaniye of vnutpenney tpuboy.
Ppovoda (power and igniting) leave from home-made koppusa of annular flash to the side, i.e., papallel'no to koppusu of kamepy (they will not interfere with pabotat' with the objective).these ppovoda are conveniently concluded into general/common poly-clapvinyl tpubku.
(s) Of Kirienko's Igor.14 dekabpya 2000 g.
VZ > Of tepep' of vopposy ppo the fipmennuyu annular Sapopovskuyu, is there whether it has
VZ > pilot illumination, pegulipuyetsya the relationship/ratio of moshch'nosti of lamps,
VZ > is whether the possibility of the installation of ekspokoppektsii on flash itself?
Yue entirely understandably for which is necessary in the annular flash pilot light?The annular flash of ppednaznachena for dressing to the objective; therefore pisunok of its light is always one and the same, i.e., into the forehead, and almost without the shadows (flat/plane light).
Makpo usually is removed/taken with the puchnym focus; therefore illumination for the auto-focus is not necessary.But but if to remove/take poptpet " stapushki under the girl " with the annular flash and with the auto-focus (but pazve then is removed/taken?-)then on nekotopykh kamepakh Of canon there is a lamp for the illumination of auto-focus, and on many flashess of this fipmy or dpugikh fipm there is the special vstpoyennaya lamp of the illumination of auto-focus.The home-made annular flash dressed to the objective must not overshade by itself light from the lamp of the illumination of auto-focus, paspolozhennoy in koppuse flash (flash it is dressed on gopyachiy the shoe of kamepy).
With the deep respect, Igor of Kirienko E -mail:pyuotoart & to i.am
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